María Isabel García Arenas

María Isabel García Arenas

Profesora Titular de Universidad

E.T.S. de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda S/N 18071 Granada


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering + Bachelor's Degree in Business Administrat.And Management

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

High-Performance Architecture and Computing (Elective, Computer Engineering Specialisation)

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

High-Performance Architecture and Computing

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Training (Vet) and Language Teaching

Specific Module - Teaching and Learning of Technology, Industrial Processes and Computing

Master's Degree in Translational Research and Personalised Medicine

Module 4: Applied Technology in Translational Medicine - Computational Medicine

Master's Degree in I.T. Engineering

- Work Placement
Project Direction and Management - Work Placement