Classrooms and Halls
Among the facilities that the center has, stand out those which are for the development of theorical and practical teaching, as well as for the rest of academic activities (conference rooms, study rooms, etc.):
Software necessary for using the electronic board which is in 1.1 and 1.8 classrooms
There is specific software installed for specific subject
- Conferences, works presentation and meetings classroms
- Work spaces for ETSIIT students
- Outside area
- ETIIST has an outside area with garden, tables and benches.
- Rules:
- Respect the furnitures. Don't move the furnitures.
- Don't throw waste or garbage out of the bins and containers.
- Don't throw cigarette butts on the ground.
- Don't throw liquid waste.
- Don't smoke in the covered outdoor table area.
- Security:
- The enclosure has surveillance cameras
- Cession and rental of spaces in the ETSIIT
Cession of spaces
The regulations and prices for computer science classrooms, theorical classrooms, practical classrooms, meetings halls, conferences halls and work halls rental can be consulted on the University of Granada budgets.
Form for request cession of spaces
Schedule and Contact
- Since monday until Friday from 7:45 to 22:15
- Phone numbers:
- Administrative/Departments building: 958 242800
- Class building: 958 240819 (ground floor), 958 242817 (third floor)
Staff and Services
2 Encargados de Equipo de Conserjería (mañana y tarde)
2 Técnicos Especialistas de Conserjería /Medios Audiovisuales (mañana y tarde)
13 Técnicos Auxiliares de Servicios de Conserjería
2 Técnicos Auxiliares de Seguridad (mañana y tarde)
1 Ayudante de Oficios de Servicios Técnicos de Obras, Equipamiento y Mantenimiento
Connected services
Aulas y salas
Entre las instalaciones con que cuenta el centro, destacan aquellas destinadas al desarrollo de la docencia teórica y práctica, así como para el resto de actividades académicas (salas de conferencias, salas de estudio, etc):
- Software necesario para el uso de las pizarras electrónicas de las aulas 1.1 y 1.8
- Hay software específico instalado para asignaturas concretas
- Zona Exterior
- La ETSIIT dispone de una zona exterior con jardín, mesas y bancos. Además dispone de un aparcamiento de bicicletas en la entrada del edificio.
- Normas:
- Respetar el mobiliario. No mover de sitio el mobiliario.
- No arrojar residuos o basura fuera de las papeleras y contenedores.
- No arrojar colillas al suelo.
- No arrojar desperdicios líquidos.
- Prohibido fumar en la zona de mesas de exterior cubierta.
- Seguridad
- El recinto dispone de cámaras de vigilancia.
- Cesión y alquiler de espacios de la ETSIIT
Cesión de espacios
La normativa y precios del alquiler de aulas de informática, aulas de teoría, aulas de prácticas, salas de reuniones, salas de conferencias, salas de trabajo, etc. se puede consultar en los presupuestos de la Universidad de Granada.
Horarios y Contacto
- De lunes a viernes de 7:45 a 22:15
- Números de teléfono:
- Edificio de administraciones/departamentos: 958 242800
- Edificio aulario: 958 240819 (planta baja), 958 242817 (tercera planta)
Personal y servicios
Servicios relacionados
Cafeteria and Dining room
The ETSIIT has a cafeteria and a university dining room. Both of them are located on the basement floor of the main building.
Security service
- ETSIIT Phone Numer: 665 421459
- Phone Number for university community in special cases. This number is available 24 hrs, 365 days a year
The technical aids for the improvement of Universal Accesibility in ETSIIT can be consulted clicking on this link.
Building organization
The ETSIIT is divided into to parts, which are connected:
- In the first building, we have the cafeteria and the university dining room, the administrative services, the library and the different departments.
- In the second building, we have the theorical and practical classrooms.
Each one of this buildings have five floors and a semi-basement.