First steps

First term (cuatrimestre 1) will start in end-September and will finish in mid-February.

Second term (cuatrimestre 2) will start in mid-February and will finish in mid-July.

Extra examination

At the University of Granada, you will have two opportunities to pass every subject: January/June or February/july. The recovery exams will take place during February and July, so please, take this into account to come back home. 


You can go directly to the welcome meeting.

You have applied for an exchange position using the on-line application service: we have your data and your photo in our records. In the welcome meeting you will provide to the International Office:
1) photocopy of your identity card or passport
2) copy of your online-application
3) two photos (if you did not upload it in the on-line application)
4) copy of the certificate--confirmation from your home University stating that you are an ERASMUS student

After that, the International Office will provide you with an ERASMUS card, which you will be required to have for registration at ETSIIT.

In the welcome meeting you will be informed about all you need for your stay in Granada. In case you do not attend your general meeting session, you will have to provide the documentation above directly to the International Office for obtaining the ERASMUS card.


Once you have your ERASMUS card, you must register (in Spanish, matricularse) at ETSIIT:

  • Buses: lines N3, U1, 6, and Metro.

You have to go to the ETSIIT Secretariat and contact Mrs. María Martínez (@email), the administrative staff in charge of incoming students. She will help to you to fill-in the registration form and to choose the courses you want to study. They should be (with minor changes) what you marked in the table PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME AT THE UGR in the APPLICATION FORM.

IMPORTANT: Yo will not have the right to attend the exams nor obtain your marks for a course in the Transcript of Records if you are not registered for that course

Before your registration, please, make sure that you can attend the lectures. Attending is not compulsory in many courses, but it is highly recommended. Most of the laboratories are not optional and you must attend them. You can download the timetable information for our web page.

If you have to change any courses you need the approval from your University. There is an official document, the Leaning Agreement which must be completed, or you must provide a copy of your home University's Learning Agreement including the corresponding approval.

You can choose any of the subjects offered by ETSIIT. Please, check the courses at ETSIIT.

Our staff and Ms. Nuria López Ruiz (@email), the Head of the International Office at ETSIIT, will help you in case of any problem. They will also give you any information that you need and help you to choose the most accurate subjects.


Firs steps

Here you will find a brief guide to take your first steps in the ETSIIT (obtaining the university card, using the Prado teaching platform, etc.).